Navicelli di Pisa Srl


Navicelli di Pisa Srl is a public limited company (PLC) that manages the Navicelli Canal and the adjacent state-owned areas. Its task is to maintain the efficiency and the use of the canal, in particular to dredge and open the bridges to allow the boat transit. Since 2008 the company also manages the Yachting Lab Service Center, which provides services not only to the companies and operators of the nautical sector, but also to companies belonging to other sectors whose products can be applied to the nautical sector (interior design, design, new materials, innovative products, etc).

In particular the company’s activities relate to:

  • Management of the state-owned land and properties
  • Allocation, management and supervision of state concessions
  • Monitoring of the bottom of the navigable canal, including the dockyards, coastal defenses and wharves, and providing for the excavation of the backdrops and the removal of submersible materials where necessary
  • Coordination and control of the navigation, maneuvers, launches and haulages for boats/yachts within the Port of Pisa and along the entire Navicelli Canal
  • Port Authority, delegated by the Municipality of Pisa.


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