Boat tour booking


In November 2011, Navicelli di Pisa, in association with Pisa Cooperative Society Il Navicello, activated a mini boat tour along the Navicelli Canal. Currently, the Navicelli Canal connects the Dockyard of Pisa with the Port of Livorno and then it flows into the sea. It is about 17 km long, 33 m wide and about 3 m deep and it is totally navigable. The waterway flows adjacent to the San Rossore Migliarino Massaciuccoli Park, where it is possible to admire the typical landscape and the plants and animals of the territory; on the other riverside, there are widely well-known shipyards and their yachts moored.
The next opening of the link between the Navicelli Canal and the Arno River (Inlet), will form a completely navigable triangle with interesting routes by river. It will be possible to sail from Livorno up to the mouth of Arno River and then arrive in the Pisa town centre or down to the sea, up to the Port of Pisa.

You can make boat tours along the Navicelli Canal from November to March. To make a booking, please contact:
Centro Visite San Rossore
Phone 050/530101 – 050/533755 Fax 050/3836908
E-mail: ;


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