Navicelli di Pisa is partner in the Interior and Design Technological District, together with  Centro sperimentale del Mobile e dell’Arredo (Lead Partner) e Consorzio Polo Tecnologico Magona, Assoservizi s.r.l. e CNA Servizi s.r.l. The main goal of the district is to encourage the development of multidimensional innovation processes to boost the sector, through innovative research lines with a cross-sectoral dimension: Robotics and Virtual Environments (mechanical engineering, mechatronics, furniture and decoration), Ambient Intelligence (recreational vehicles, boating, furniture), and Home Automation (recreational vehicles, boating, furniture, textiles). In order to strengthen the competitiveness of companies and their strategic positioning in the market, innovation processes will concern: new ways of interaction between supply and demand; the development of integrated solutions for the manufacturing industry; re-engineering of economic production processes (furniture industry); the discovery of new materials, re-Interior and DesignTechnological District Boating and Ports Technological District designing of interior spaces, emotional home automation, nanotechnology (recreational vehicles sector); disassembling and dismantling for boats, housing quality, innovative textiles (boating). The activities implemented by the district can be divided into four main areas:

  1. Animation of networks and matching activities
    Technology foresight activities and business matching in order to encourage collaboration between businesses, between businesses and the research system, between companies and financial operators, including start-ups and innovative companies. These activities are carried out through the organization of scientific awareness meetings (workshops, seminars), R2B meetings (in particular Technology Matching), B2B (according to the following modes: Business Matching Day, Diffused Business Matching, One-to-One Business Meetings) e F2B (Financial to Business).
  2. Dissemination of strategic information for firms within economic intelligence
    Continuous Benchmarking Update on other technology transfer structures at national and international level; innovation scouting activities through the Internet, specific (and non-specific) trade fairs, international conferences and meetings in order to define the innovation strategies that will be presented during business meetings; definition and implementation of strategic projects on innovation in European, national and regional calls, favoring the establishment of partnerships in view of cross-fertilization; definition and implementation of projects for qualified services.
  1. District marketing activities to promote the participation of new companies and/or research organizations and to increase the visibility of the district.
  1. Procurement of infrastructures for technology transfer within the district.


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